Emerging Trends: The Expansion of CBD in Latin America - KND Labs

Emerging Trends: The Expansion of CBD in Latin America

By KND Labs

Emerging Trends: The Expansion of CBD in Latin America - KND Labs

In just a decade, the global cannabidiol (CBD) market has gone from niche to necessity and is projected to skyrocket from US$7.59 billion in 2023 to US$36.6 billion by 2033. This incredible growth is driven by increasing demand and a broader understanding of CBD’s therapeutic uses around the world. Latin America is an emerging player in the CBD industry’s global expansion, and the region is well-positioned to leverage its extensive agricultural capabilities for hemp production and a growing acceptance of CBD for wellness and health purposes.

As the CBD market expands, KND Labs stands out as a premier manufacturer of hemp-derived ingredients, with a global presence that extends from North America to Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and the growing South America market. Known for our stringent quality controls and commitment to responsible manufacturing, KND Labs supplies high-quality ingredients for human and pet CBD products (Both for the supplement and Pharmaceutical industry). This article examines the opportunities for the CBD market in Latin America and KND Labs’ role in supporting these efforts to drive responsible, sustainable growth.

CBD Legalization in Latin America 

As the second-largest region for CBD legalization after Europe, Latin America is poised to capitalize on a significant market opportunity. Consumer interest is surging across countries like Brazil, Chile, and Colombia, indicating a shift away from negative perceptions previously attached to cannabis-based products. According to recent research, the legal cannabis market in the region could reach US$4.64 billion by 2029. This optimistic projection reflects a readiness to embrace CBD as a mainstream wellness solution, which could position Latin America as the fastest-growing CBD market in the world.

Several Latin American countries are setting the pace for regulations in the industry, shaping legislation that differentiates CBD and non-psychoactive hemp products from their psychoactive counterparts. This differentiation is crucial in reducing stigma and paving the way for a regulated market:

  • Colombia: Known for its progressive stance, Colombia legalized medicinal hemp cultivation in 2017, with the caveat that 10% of all profits be allocated to Indigenous people and other groups affected by drug-related violence in the country. Their regulatory frameworks also facilitate legal CBD industry growth, focusing on domestic needs and export potential.
  • Chile: Medicinal cannabis and home cultivation, including CBD extraction, have been legal in Chile since 2015, with more recent calls for “personal sovereignty” legislation to fully decriminalize cannabis use. With these changes on the horizon, it is anticipated that the Chilean market could surpass US$337 million by 2027.
  • Brazil: The Brazilian regulatory body ANVISA has approved stringent regulations that allow the use of CBD for medical purposes, setting a precedent for safety and efficacy in the region.

These examples highlight the diverse approaches within Latin America and reflect a positive trend toward embracing CBD's potential while ensuring consumer protection and market integrity.

KND Labs: Pioneers in CBD Manufacturing 

KND Labs prides itself on being the most certified manufacturer of CBD globally, consistently surpassing industry standards. Our certifications ensure the highest product integrity and compliance levels to meet regulations for recreational and pharmaceutical-grade products. Key certifications include:

  • API Certification: KND Labs products with the API symbol indicate active pharmaceutical ingredients that meet rigorous health and safety standards allowing for use in OTC and prescription formats
  • cGMP Certification: Demonstrates compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practices regulations enforced by the FDA, ensuring products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. This includes specific certifications for Human Food (21 CFR Part 117) and Dietary Supplements (21 CFR Part 111).
  • ISO 9001:2015: This certifies quality management systems for processing industrial raw hemp into finished bulk CBD isolate and CBD oil ingredients, reinforcing KND Labs' commitment to meeting customer and regulatory requirements.
  • euGMP Certification: Ensures that KND Labs meets the essential Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic ingredients, focusing on quality assurance and safety in product formulation and production.  This includes EFfCI euGMP Cosmetic Ingredient certification.

In Latin America, KND Labs' rigorous quality standards are recognized by ANVISA, the Brazilian health regulatory authority. This endorsement establishes our presence in the global market and enhances our influence in Brazil and throughout Latin America. Aligning with ANVISA's strict requirements ensures that KND Labs’ products exceed safety and efficacy standards for CBD in wellness products.

KND Labs' Contribution to Latin American CBD Market Growth 

KND Labs isn’t just leading the way in CBD manufacturing; they're also deeply committed to educating consumers and ensuring the purity of our products. Our efforts to communicate the benefits and safe usage of CBD help demystify the substance in regions like Latin America, where myths about cannabis-derived products are still common. KND Labs’ dedication to quality, safety, and compliance is reinforced through our USDA Organic certification on specific products—assuring partners and consumers that they’re getting the best products on the market.

In addition, KND Labs optimizes the CBD supply chain to support businesses eager to innovate in the CBD space. We provide a trustworthy partnership and transparency to sourcing practices, guaranteeing consistency in product quality. As the CBD market continues to expand, KND Labs is a go-to supplier for brands looking for a partner who stands for quality and integrity. Our proactive approach to certification and consumer education sets them apart as leaders in the global CBD community and helps ensure sustainable growth and longevity.

KND Labs Product Offerings for the Latin American Market

KND Labs offers diverse, high-quality ingredients for the growing Latin American CBD market. From pure isolates and potent distillates to minor cannabinoids like CBDA, CBG, CBN, and CBC, as well as water-soluble and water-miscible products, our offerings are suited for a variety of applications.

  • Tinctures: A complete solution for ingredient supply and bottling, simplifying the production process.
  • Gummies: Catering to the rising demand for CBD-infused edibles with a focus on taste and quality.
  • Balms & Creams: Specifically formulated to address skincare and wellness needs, combining efficacy with luxury.
  • Soft Gels: A customer favorite for their ease of use and precise dosing, ideal for consistent CBD intake.

No matter your business needs, KND Labs delivers top-tier CBD products, ensuring you have the best ingredients to thrive in the Latin American CBD market.

KND Labs and the Future of CBD in Latin America

The CBD market in Latin America is on a fast trajectory, fueled by progressive legislation and a growing consumer base that recognizes CBD’s many benefits. KND Labs is dedicated to shaping its growth with high-quality products and rigorous standards as this market matures. Our commitment helps establish the industry’s credibility and ensures that businesses and consumers have access to safe and effective CBD products.

We invite you to discover the extensive range of options KND Labs offers. Whether you're looking to innovate or expand, connect with us to explore how our world-class CBD solutions can support your growth in the vibrant Latin American market.