When purchasing CBD as a retailer or consumer, knowing what’s in the product you are buying is the most important step.
We’re accustomed to reading nutritional facts and ingredient labels on our food. Shouldn’t we apply the same practice to everything we put in or on our bodies?
On the front label of any product, it should be easy to decipher if it contains CBD or THC and if it’s derived from hemp or marijuana. But the more minute details such as cannabinoids, pesticides and mircobials can be harder to come by.
Since hemp-derived ingredients are not yet regulated by the FDA, it is even more crucial to ensure you are purchasing CBD products from trusted companies who source their ingredients from reliable manufacturers.
Working with a trusted supplier provides the peace of mind of compliance and technical specifications.
What are Technical Specifications?
Think of the nutrition label you see every day but for CBD. They provide a deep dive into everything that goes into making the CBD you purchase from where the hemp is sourced, to how it is made and tested and the best applications for it.
Technical specifications not only provide the user with all of the information they need, but more importantly, hold the manufacturer and distributor to the highest standards.
The compliance team at KND Labs is excited to release revamped technical specifications for all of our industry-leading products.
As a leader in compliance and certifications, our teams are consistently adapting processes to deliver the cleanest and most consistent hemp-derived ingredients on the market. To further that mission, we strive for complete transparency with our clients while setting the standard for documentation in the CBD industry. This means each client knows exactly how their products are formulated and each ingredient that is included.
Each technical specification highlights topline information including the extraction process and the hemp’s origin in addition to the final product’s appearance, odor, flavor, consistency, solubility, composition, plant parts, storage and shelf life, application and ingredients.
Additionally, customers can view cannabinoid content, residual solvents, elemental impurities, storage requirements, testing practices and allergens for each product.
Our trusted clients can expect to receive the updated technical specifications with their next order.
Our in-house chemists and R&D team are consistently producing custom blends and adapting ingredients to fit any and all CBD needs across a variety of applications.
If you have any questions about our ingredients, products, processes, certifications or documentation please give us a call at 1 833-KND-4-CBD or email sales@kndlabs.com.