Announcing Our FSA Novel Foods Submission! - KND Labs

Announcing Our FSA Novel Foods Submission!

By KND Labs

Announcing Our FSA Novel Foods Submission! - KND Labs

We're extremely excited to announce the submission of some of our top-tier CBD ingredients for consideration of its ingredients as a Novel Foods Ingredient. KND Labs has submitted the following ingredients to the Food Standard Agency (FSA) and the European Commission:

Crystalline CBD Isolate

CBD Distillate (UK Compliant)


Example Product Submissions:

KND Labs Apex Water Soluble

KND Labs Superior Water Soluble


Soft Gels

UK Novel Food Ingredient Submitted


So, what is a "Novel Food," and why is it important, you might ask? Novel foods are defined as foods that have limited consumption history in the UK and EU prior to May 1997. The UK and EU regulatory bodies, FSA and EFSA, respectively, recognize that any food considered to be a novel food should be evaluated on toxicological, chemical, microbiological and stability parameters, prior to market approval and sale to the general public.

In December of 2020, the World Health Organization voted to remove cannabis as a Schedule IV narcotic. The European Commission announced that CBD will not be classified as a narcotic, so the review of Novel Foods applications containing CBD will resume. Regulatory authorities will begin enforcement action in April of this year. Retail CBD products without a validated application will be pulled from shelves, and non-compliant distributors can be issued fines. CBD products entering the EU market will soon require a Novel Foods application submitted and validated by the FSA.

As part of our commitment to offering the highest quality USA-grown and Colorado-manufactured bulk CBD ingredients available in the UK and EU, KND Labs moved forward with the submission of its ingredients for FSA Novel Foods consideration. In 2021, CBD companies must apply and be accepted into the UK and EU Novel Foods Consortiums in order to sell products in European markets. With our expansion into the UK market, we are committed to compliance with both UK and EU Novel Foods requirements.

We are partnering with international brands to support the submission of soft gel capsules, oil drops with terpenes, gummies, and CBD Infused beverages for Novel Foods submissions. The application process takes 12-18 months, so stay tuned for updates!

Want more information on the application process, inquire about getting linked to our Novel Foods submission or have any other questions about our products? Please contact our sales team today! Make sure to follow us on social for more updates!