What is Broad-Spectrum Distillate?

What is Broad-Spectrum Distillate?
If CBD isolate is typically what comes to mind when you think of CBD, broad-spectrum and full-spectrum are the two other most commonly used forms of the cannabinoid.
The quickest way to define broad-spectrum distillate is a cannabinoid-rich distillate with no trace of THC.
But to best understand broad-spectrum distillate as a whole, let’s first take a look at the difference between broad-spectrum and full-spectrum.
First off, full-spectrum must test at less than or equal to the federal limit of 0.3% THC. As mentioned above, broad-spectrum contains 0% THC.
Broad-spectrum goes through extra stages of refinement compared to full-spectrum. While both distillates are whole-plant extracts and deliver an extensive range of compounds from the cannabis plant, broad-spectrum does so with no traces of THC.
Broad-spectrum distillates sit at the midway point between full-spectrum and isolate products. Think of Broad-spectrum as a fully-customizable, easy-to-formulate distillate. As it goes through the remediation process, certain cannabinoids can be removed to achieve a desired finished product.
How is Broad-Spectrum Distillate made?
Here at KND Labs, our broad-spectrum distillate is extracted through denatured ethyl alcohol and further distilled through chromatography and distillation processes.
The extraction process is similar to full-spectrum, but it undergoes additional refinement to remove any psychoactive compounds. This ensures a product with the beneficial compounds that users love about full-spectrum distillates without psychoactive effects and the “high” feeling.
Consumers and manufacturers alike can depend on KND Labs’ highly-certified broad-spectrum products to be compliant with un-detectable THC levels while still providing the benefits of a whole-plant extract.
What are the benefits of Broad Spectrum Distillate?
Like CBD isolate, broad-spectrum contains all of the benefits of CBD including supporting the overall health of your body, in addition to relieving stress and anxiety, imparting the feeling of relaxation and calm, supporting sleep, alleviating pain and inflammation, easing sore joints and nourishing skin.
Plus, broad-spectrum distillates come with added advantages of compounds, cannabinoids and terpenes. Terpenes are simply aromatic compounds that are found in foods we consume every day like fruits, vegetables and herbs. When combined with CBD, added compounds and terpenes can enhance existing effects and improve efficacy.
KND Labs is proud to be one of largest, and most certified, CBD manufacturers in the world. We are certified as an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient for pharmaceuticals, cGMP 111 and 117, ISO 9001:2015, EFfCI (cosmetic euGMP) and Kosher certified. That is why we are trusted by the world’s largest labs, manufacturers and brands to produce pure, high-quality and bulk ingredients.